Beirut, the aftermath IV

Broken window glasses!

What can I say about the general feeling? It is a mix of entangled feelings that words can’t sum up: despair, depression, sadness, fear, anxiety, frustration… Sometimes words are useless.

This explosion is beyond any war. As war people ourselves, we know that any war takes time to destroy a city. Meanwhile, people escape or know what to do because we are used to deal with troubles. However, this explosion destroyed half of the city in minutes. It swiped up lives, houses, families, memories and future plans.

Below are some photos of the broken Beirut.

Photography by @dvjkaa

Broken houses, broken lives!
I wonder what this was exactly before the explosion.
Probably, a toilet door in a pub.
It was a pub. 
View from above of destruction after debris were cleaned away. 


116 thoughts on “Beirut, the aftermath IV”

  1. 1.)
    This is so good that you keep us updadet, because for most of us who sit in safety and comfort, tragedies like yours are out of mind as soon as they are out of sight.
    That’s why I continue to add each of your links to my short brainstorm:

    As you keep me thinking about your detrimental situation I just would like to ask you a simple question:
    Do you think that there was even a single Lebanese politician who was not corrupt (,and if so, who)?
    I ask, because I look into people’s faces and try to figure out if this can be seen.

    Also you said that corona-cases would be on a sharp rise and I just looked into the world statistics:
    What puzzles me is that the cases did not rise from the 5th of august onward, but already from the mid of July.
    Did something change in July that this happened (like lockdowns having been lifted)?

    It also dawned upon me that your government probably was so good in dealing with covid because it did suit their agenda to suppress the ongoing protests.

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    1. On your last point, yes and no. The government was worried about hospitals who couldn’t cope with a rise of corona cases. So in a way, they did well. Italy was haunting us.

      However, when people from abroad started to come, numbers increased. And it is not tru that numbers didn’t increase since the 5th of August. The numbers tripled. Today it 436 cases. Probably, we will go on a lockdown this week, especially that 5 main hospitals are partly destroyed and the others are overcrowded with wounded people.

      Concerning politicians, leaders are corrupted for sure. But we know that not every person who belongs to a political party or who works in the government is corrupted.

      Lastly, I thank you so much for all your efforts and your concerns. If we go on a lockdown I won’t be able to go to the streets for photos.

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      1. I think I did express myself in a way so that you got exactly the opposite from what I meant in regards of the statistics: I didn’t say that numbers didn’t increase from the 5th, but they they started to increase nearly a month earlier. But you actually still answered my question as to why: It were foreign travellers.

        Despite the detrimental situation in Beirut, there is a reason for hope for you though:
        That which Sweden did count on from the beginning: The herd-immunity.
        When I asked an Indian why India despite having slums would still so be well off, he replied that Indians seem to be more resilient to germs.
        I also think that this also applies to Lebanese people (in opposition to us decadent first worlders),
        so you may get through that.

        On another note: I did read yesterday that the reason for the world being in such a crazy shape would be Saturn transiting from capricorn (“working hard” dogma) to aquarius (“exploring ones own soul and authenticity”). Hence the “black lifes matter” protests.
        Just as it was changing, it went into retrograde, meaning it changed back to the harder capricorn again,
        and then – BOOM – the explosion in Beirut happened.
        By the end of this year it will shift forth again, meaning that corruption will have no room to survive anymore and maybe even something global could change.

        As brutal as it is: It all makes sense.

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      2. Over here, doctors and specialists don’t believe in herd immunity. If someone gets covid19 and heals of it, they might get it back.

        Anyway I hope all will make sense at the end. But we have difficult months to go through.

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  2. Is there any news/proof of what actually happened?
    With Thilo’s comment..
    I’ve actually been deeply intrigued by the astrology thing.

    It’s not so much Saturn transitioning in Capricorn but it transitioning back and forth with a conjunction with Pluto and pluto is destruction/death/rebirth and all kinds of crazy stuff where Saturn is agriculture, society systems, government and social order… covid came from agriculture, it’s bringing down many systems, society is collapsing… there’s a 3rd followed by another (different one, referred to as the great conjunction) in December that may be worse than the pluto Saturn ones.

    It could be confirmation bias but pluto/Saturn conjunctions are associated with world wars and pandemics.

    Anyhow.. here it’s still covered as some mishap detonating bombs.

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    1. Very interesting, Oviate, that surely all applies. I personaly just try to keep things as simple as possible: On the beginning of this year just made a simple kabbalistic 7-year analysis which brings astrology and the 2012 Mayan Cycle together.

      Since I am a layman I understand that others don’t want to read 4 pages just for 1 aspect, so I see myself as a “translator” to communicate that stuff to normal people after I did dumb it down facts to my own level.
      I do the same with spiritual wisdoms of the masters – just pass that stuff on simplified for intermediate ones like me.

      That’s why I only talked about Saturn changing within this entire year and skipped the back& forth stuff including Pluto, especially since I did attribute that being the major problem for the USA right now – it being in Pluto return which only happens every 247 years. (George Floyd demonstrations, undigested suppression of other nations, slavery, native American Indians etc.)

      Whenever I want to simplify it even further I just connect the current Saturn shift year to the change from the age of pices to aquarius. One thing seems certain: Whatever we suppressed since decades or even centuries, now comes up to be dealt with – Karma right into all of our faces. Just today I told an unsettled waitress that it’s not her … it’s Saturn.

      The unempathic deniers (of climate change, coronavirus, refugee issues) seem to try to deflect the issues even further. I wonder if they will also be affected by that change or if those shifts only apply to more sensitive people. Unfortunately they only make it harder on the rest of us to also pick up their emotional garbage and neglicence.

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      1. One of my friends brought up the Kabbalah and I’m lagging behind really diving into it; I’d probably like it.

        A lot of things can be over complicated where it’s best to simplify it.
        Even with the Capricorn conjunctions some have it as Aquarius. I’m not sure if that’s because of an error or if it’s true/mean where it’s actually in Aquarius and mathematical in Capricorn or..
        there’s been an overall vibe for a long time that a lot of societal problems will surface. I’m not at all surprised by any of it.

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    2. I am not that much into astrology and planets games but I have had the feeling that 2020 is the year of change.
      Concerning the explosion, so far it is said a detonating bomb. More truth to come I guess, investigation is not over yet.

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      1. I think it’ll take a while but 2020 will be the starting point year.

        Astrology is fun, it’s centuries of philosophy thrown into a mix while subscribing to none of them saying they’re subjective.
        I only got into it to prove it wrong and ended up fascinated by it. But… I don’t get the mechanism that makes it work because the mathematical formula is more accurate than the actual planets and constellations. It only exists as pattern recognition… but it may be attached to the wrong pattern.
        If I get anyone into it I always laugh and say it just implies we live in a sort of simulated world with minimal to no actual free will existing as spectators so astrology itself doesn’t really matter.

        There’s been no recent coverage here lately but we also had a random explosion in the states.

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      2. A real question just to understand you properly (without sarcasm):
        Are you saying that you didn’t fathom the elaborate maths or astrology?

        One thing I can not understand:
        The entire worldnews are US-centric, so how can it be that a random explosion in the USA would not have been covered?

        And to tell you why I think determinism still does not apply like a machine:
        I analysed Trump vs Biden based on the Kabbalah and came to the conclusion that he would win.
        But I wrote my article before Kamala Harris did join the game which now totally shuffled the cards around again,
        so I don’t think that even an astrologer could say that life is fixed.
        This article demonstrates how much your personal opinion does actually count even for a “non-emotional” astrological analysis.

        Hence I think we can not afford to hide behind principles anymore. This worked for aristocrats whose world was shielded from any external obstacle. I see a saturnic necessity for sincerity and that can only be delivered once someone demonstrates character and spine.

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      3. And a lot of Trump’s chart implies he’d be president with a questionable result that likely got him elected.

        That’s why I meant little free will. I actually like the house system which actually forecasts your life experiences and the transits effect those houses.. like… the pluto/Saturn conjunction is happening in my 5th house and I’m having a blast..

        Trump or Biden? I think biden wins but trump holds office for a while.

        Or.. Trump refusing to leave office challenging the results is what causes the next stage of downfall.

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      4. Interesting- never thought about Trump pulling yet another infantile egomaniac stunt, but you are right, this of course can happen. Then again – how long can he do it? I think at one point he has to give up his power.Without Harris I think Biden would have not had a chance.

        And about free will:
        The reason why I differ is: Take a simple mars-saturn conjunction which for a normal person could result in a tragic accident, but if one were to do martial arts s/he could win a tournament because mars is voluntarily blocked.
        Whilst I also believe that constellations are fixed, the outcome very much depends on the position one takes on.
        It’s like the wind is fixed, but you can ajust your sails to it to be even able to sail against the wind.

        As for your Pluto-Saturn-blast: That could be because you did find yourself already in an avantgardistic relationshisp to society so you are in your element right now.
        The only problem I see in the long run is when the reason for avantgardism vanishes, meaning when society will balance itself out again.
        It’s like some of the famous comedians or investigative journalists who trived in their opposition to people in power. When they were de-elected the avantgardists sometimes fell into a hole of purposelessness.
        But then again – IF that bridge even should appear to you at all, you can cross it then.

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      5. Great guess. I have a ton of 1st and 12th house and I’ve sort of dropped out of regular society. And I’ve never been opposed and I’ve accepted it’ll rand tragedy to create a positive outcome.

        I agree.. a chart (depending on where you’re looking) is more like automatic conditioned behaviors/thoughts you can change.
        So there’s some free will in their through self awareness.
        My personal favorite area in astrology is the moon nodes…
        My opinion on stars and planets is mainly due to not finding vedics accurate system even close to correct. Though, I absolutely love vedic as an interpretive contrast.

        To Trump: we are having a primarily mail in vote in November and the crazy crap happening NOW is it’s become known the Trump administration has gutted the postal service and (I think) 46 states have stated mail in votes can’t be counted there.

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      6. Explosion?
        Yes, but very minor and some kind of accident in Baltimore. Natural gas line explosion that took out blocks and killed some people.
        It was no Beirut situation..
        The conspiracy theory in the states is that the US military had a drone strike..
        no, we’re not that ballsy..

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      7. I think it’ll get worse before it gets better. Where you are, it may be nearing an end.
        I think the US will be in bad shape for a while.
        Have you heard about Trump sending out federal troops to take out protestors? It’s bad here. Where I live it’s pretty calm and it’s just mask debates. Other places are crazy.. California is likely to clear out; I’m not sure why.

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      8. I’ll check into California and get back to you on that later today (my time). I keep forgetting to look into what’s going on.
        For some reason it’s been discussed lately that a lot of people are sort of evacuating California.. it could just he it’s bad related to covid, race is the worst there, and it’s an environmental disaster one after the other.

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      9. Since you are researching into California for Maylynn anyway,
        I might as well add another question I can’t understand:
        Why would Trump be afraid of mail-voting?
        Isn’t it equally dangerous for an election to be forged whether those are machines or ballots ?
        I remember fraud having been suspected in the Bush-Kerry-election but with machines.
        Does he think that postal elections are faked in favour of democrats?
        It nearly makes one suspect that he favours machines for doubious reasons.

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      10. I kinda know that off the top of my head..
        Machine fraud isn’t remotely as bad as voter suppression and bad voter turnout.

        I want to say voter turnout is roughly 50% of the population and much of that 50% are independent voters who lean left.
        Trump has a loyal base but that loyal base is only about 20% and may be less considering much is just party loyalty.

        Voter suppression in minority areas is done by closing voting stations in those areas of moving them where people are turned away from the polls and then they have a a national voter cross reference where votes are thrown out if, say, a Juan Gonzalez living in South Carolina votes and a person of the same name lives in Texas who either voted or has a felony not allowing him to vote.
        Typically, they go with suppression by making it too hard to provide identification. It’s likely half of the minority vote in the US is never counted.
        And it’s out in the open because trump said it himself; the GOP wouldn’t ever win an election if we had easier ways to vote.

        So, Trump would be afraid because he needs a general standard election to use the fixed system in place that favors republicans which is why they keep losing the popular vote while winning the electoral college.
        Gore beat Bush. Kerry beat Bush. Obama was wildly popular getting turnout and Clinton was so assumed to win that voter turnout was low.
        Fact is: even if it’s not difficult to vote, most Americans have to work long days on a Tuesday and don’t feel it’s worth their time to spend their time off work at a polling station for hours.

        Could trump still win with mail in voting without any inference? It may be the biggest landslide loss in election history because Trump only appeals to 20% of the population and then there’s maybe 15% Republican Party loyalty that is likely to vote Biden because there’s not much of a difference between biden and a normal conservative.
        Democrats run on pretty much the same policies with social liberalism that isn’t really in a political party control. abortion, lgbt right, race.. those are all issues of the Supreme Court.

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      11. Thanks, Oviate, this was such a brilliant summary that I think that you could copy and paste it as it is into a new article of yours to explain it to the world.

        I am shocked about the low-level-third-world-unprofessionalism which did persist for decades in the self-proclaimed “greatest nation on earth”. Incomprehensible that something like this would not have been dealt with within one election-period in Germany. Your two-party system being the other big flaw as I see it: The once in a lifetime chance to stop the downfall of the USA – Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

        Also I do agree with you on the indifference between democrats and republicans and think that this is a global phenomenon that neoliberalism caused. The logic of greed bypassed all parties and nations causing globalism and international corruption.

        Yuval Noah Harari did sum it up well in the short excerpt I pasted in here: Consp1racy, Co2, Coronaviru3 – Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

        Sanders would have been a person with a spine to at least have the guts to stand up against that, but I think that Hoovers cold-war-fear of the communist Russia still lingers in the US-consciousness so whenever simple people hear the word “socialism” they shudder.

        Without Harris I think even that Sanders definitely would have lost, but now that she co-runs it feels like people would vote for her and not him anymore. Since I know nothing at all about her I ask you: What do you think and know about her?


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      12. I hate Trump! Why do you always jump into conclusions without making sure ? That’s the fide horse huh? Lol.
        I was just asking Oviate because he is american and he can give me his insights. News shows some trumpist propaganda.

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      13. So much for my Karma: Here I finally sum up all my courage to propose and the potential bride laughs her ass of 😩 It’s ok, I can take it … AHHHH 😭 (that was my personal Beirut now – my world is shattered)💥 (good that I meditate – so I have a backup career as a monk)


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      14. sometimes I don’t even understand my own discrepancies of on one hand dishing out wisdoms and in the next instance coming out with the most silly things. I still have to find the place for that in the world.

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      15. I congratulate you to your 3D-life ( I am a bit puzzled however why you hold back my comments for moderation ) 🤔 I am “one of the good guys” 😎 – I admit that I am stupidly oversexed at times, but at least harmless (and my weak excuse is: it’s my 🔥horsy dasein🐴 )

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      16. Yes, and that is the reason why I like this comment of yours: I am quite happy that you are taken, else I would not joke around so freely (not to cause confusion). The joke of it all is that I have not even seen a clear picture of you, so you could be a transgender for all I know 😂 (this now is your chance of comming out 👯‍♂️


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      17. If use my eyes I think Trump can win.

        I think this election will be extremely damaging any way it goes.
        The “left” or the progressive wing lies so heavily in the Democratic base that the Democratic Party decided to focus on getting anti Trump republicans to support biden.

        It’s actually really bad and you’ll see it where biden doesn’t have any support other than just not being Trump.
        Meaning: no one wants to vote for biden and Harris is a time bomb waiting to go off. If biden wins you may see some strange things like the Democratic Party just becoming the new Republican Party with far right libertarians taking the GOP and then a new progressive left party.
        It’ll be weird.

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      18. Well, as I did describe in my article about the flawed 2-party system of the USA
        (Maylynn did you take out those two links I posted above ? Only the titles can be seen there)

        I think this would be the best which could happen – any kind of third party raising – I even did recommend two parties in my article – one for conservatives and one for progressives and said that they even should make “a third party allience” to get rid of that system.
        It is this “only being able for the lesser evil” which did create Bush-Clinton-BushvsKerry(both skullsNbones)-nearlyClinton, and now again idiot vs idot (I don’t know anything about Harris though, but she also seems mainstream)

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      19. I didn’t see any links..
        We technically have 4 Parties but the 2 are not quite viable (libertarian and Green).
        Bernie Sanders has, by far, been the most influential and successful politician in terms of making progress in the broken 2 party system where I agree with him; it’s so rigged a 3rd party will never be viable.

        The Democratic Party COULD keep fracturing and break into two just as the Republican Party could also where the 4 parties can exist as those alternatives.

        Since the 2016 election young female politicians rose who are now leading the progressive wing of the party that will eventually take over.
        If you watch the pre covid debates and note the DNC platform under biden.. the days of the moderate Democrat are nearing an end.

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      20. Ok, this is weird, because I end up putting out a ton of links in our chat,
        but since this is only related to our discussion I don’t consider it spam,
        so I post the link once more here:

        Tell me what you think about it – it’s just my two cents but I think it’s not your politicians who are flawed but the system which is antiquated and should be changed.
        So there might even be a real opportunity in all of this.

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      21. Seems accurate, I would just say what I said before that every time I think I have an answer for what’s going on I’ll find another nation with the same issues that have it coming from somewhere else.

        It’s just as possible the slow conjunction between Saturn and Pluto is bringing out the individual and collective shadow which is thought to be bringing in a new age..
        regardless, something is going on. I kind of think it’s the propaganda pumped into our heads being obviously false mixed with the greed of the global oligarchy.
        There DOES seem to be (at least in the US) a powerful spread of psychotic delusional beliefs.
        Deep state, QAnon, Bill Gates; I can go on forever. That’s typically linked to narcissism and extreme social stress like wealth inequality.

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      22. The catch 22 I find myself in since this week is that a few people now popped up around me doubting the coronavirus alltogether.
        Whilst I was very happy to have found – like you – a position outside of society which currently was not obvious, because it was overshadowed by quarantine – suddenly I find myself cornered again by those who push onto me that I should not be such a wimp and ignore that fake-virus.

        The problem now is that I am hanging exactly in between your position of doing my own thing, trying to spread a way to open ones mind to go beyond the mainstream, whilst at the same time I am approached by people who are going way overboard, believe your theories (mostly in one package, all of them together), and are totally disappointed when they find me not buying into a flat earth or that the refugee crisis is arbitrary made to destroy the West.

        Funny how this year from having been criticised from mainstreamers I now am criticised by the opposite, so I had to withdraw from them all, because it is impossible to protect yourself from a virus when your opponent does nothing to contribute to social distancing.
        And just fyi: Two of the nutcases were Germans and one an Austrian, so you see that this is a global problem.

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      23. Yes, there’s a lot of people here who believe covid is fake and is some new world order takeover.

        They also believe paul McCartney is a clone, the moon landing never happened, space may not be real, etc etc etc.

        I don’t want to sound callous but if those people get sick and die I’m not going to feel bad about it.
        It’s like the philosophy that only THEY exist and the world and the population of life is created by them for their entertainment; that’s a sociopath. haha.

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      24. I SO agree with you: That’s exactly what I said to the old friend whom I did put on hold until covid is over. I said that all those theories are only designed to make those people keep having fun without having to take on any consequences.

        The sad part in my eyes is only that if it would work as straight forward as you say and those who do ignore covid would get it it would be great, but I observed that those people are quite duble-dutch when it comes to protecting themselves – suddenly they do it when it is dangerous for them but they shout a lot in the web how it is fake. Plus many of those are young and likely only spread it which is sad.

        What I just observe is also that the reason for all those theories is that actually it was told to them since half a century that the environment is suffering and our pension-system will crack, and now it happens so governments not only got refugees out of compassion but also because they need more young workers to keep it going, plus the environment is now totally down, but the deniers still keep pissing into the boat we all sit in, so we have to clear out their junk, and because we do, they say: “see, it still works”.

        I tried to discuss for example Gates with someone and said that as far as I saw it he doesn’t want to kill people but said that if the living standart goes up then population automatically goes down, because people don’t need so many kids to care for them anymore. But the guy just said that I didn’t watch the right video (without providing any evidence), and also doubted covid-statistics, but when I did show some to him he distracted again questioning treatment methods.

        Ond thing pub-gatherings and such talks have in common that they all complain about “them above” and within the last decades I always asked what creative plan we could come up with to make things better (or what people would do if they miraculously had the power). You would not believe it:

        NEVER did anyone come up with a plan – they all only said that they would care for themselves if they won the lottery and nothing could be done anyway.

        No doubt the world is in such bad shape when the people at the bottom are as bad as the ones at the top. This is truly the Kali Yuga we are in.


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      25. I believe that people deserve their governors. We have mafias ruling over us because simply we have a mafia/intelligentsia kind of way of thinking. I am talking about Lebanon of course.

        Funny we used to play this game you mentioned. But I always came up with great ideas. Some other friends did too. But my friends and I are dreamers lol.

        Did I mention that over here not everyone gets retirement pension? I do because I am a teacher. But private sector would get a certain amount of money, rarely fair, but not a pension.

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      26. So good for you that you get a retirement pension – I think this must be a terrible Karma to in the end stand in front of nothing – just when you are weak.

        I also admire you having great ideas – you surely would be a great asset in a think-tank-team and fun to work with. I even had ideas for hot areas like Lebanon.

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      27. There is no one who agrees more with you, and I think this can be a horsy problem – jumping to ideas without the stamina to follow through the boredom of the initial phase.

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      28. My side theory is.. since you seem fond of astrology…

        My 1st and 12th houses are linked as in my chart ruler is the 12th and rules the 1st..
        That encases north node, sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, and obviously ascendant.

        1st house is a straight up pluto, mars Venus etc.. conjunction. So my “Saturn return” actually prepped me for all this crap up to actually having repetitive dreams about it.
        It’s the same as what you said where I already sorted through all of it well before all of this happened.

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      29. Per Astrology..
        Are you aware of the grand cross that’s also in that mess of a year called 2020?

        Are you german? I’ve been listening to Haujobb again lately and I met Meyer years ago; he said germany wasn’t fond of them there.

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      30. Thanks for letting me know, Oviate, I didn’t know anything about it, because the joke is that I actually don’t know much about astrology – it just jumps at me this year because so much os going on. So what does that actually mean?

        And as if that would not be enough, there also is a conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter this year ^^ .

        Equally, due to me never having read anything on astrology I also don’t know Meyer and Haujobb – but one thing I would add: Whenever there are people saying that this or that country would not like this or that, I actually find that all those stereotypes don’t really apply.

        There are people everywhere who think differently – look at the 3 of us: You are from the US, Maylynn from Lebanon, I am from Germany, and we have an interesting conversation despite our nationalities. I usually find like-minded people anywhere – have readers from 131 countries all over the world.

        In my eyes there is not “the” German or Russian – everyone is different. (You hear that, Maylynn? ;-))


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      31. Oh..
        PS: the problem with Harris is she’s, not only divisive, but Tulsi Gabbard took out her campaign by barely mentioning her record as a prosecutor related to race.
        She could take biden down because of the BLM movement where she’s (oddly) a prime example of the prosecutor who locked up innocent minorities for profit.

        It was a stupid choice but they are running identity politics.
        It’s like Trump. I can’t say for certain if Trump is any better or worse than anyone else. He tweets and makes idle threats. Or he stirs up a mess that just gets thrown out in the courts.
        Both parties play smoke and mirror games.

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      32. I live in a swing state that any president needs to carry to win. By that logic I’d say (regionally) Trump wins.
        It’s hard to say though.

        Honestly, if it’s like 2016.. I would see a lot of Trump stickers, flags, etc.. and nothing for Clinton. Biden has the same voter enthusiasm. But Clinton destroyed trump by the popular vote. Who knows?

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      33. It all reminds me of the ancient prophecies about the Kali-Yuga that the most crooked people would become leaders. I do believe that we are in the midst of the Kali-Yuga and I wonder how things can get better again. The only way I see would be some miracles happening (either scientific breakthroughs or some tremendous fast spiritual shift happening.

        The only problem with that hope is that it is the typical “saviour”-logic usually orthodox Christians have – to hope for a blesser without having to do any work by themselves, except for being obedient.

        As with our lives, it dan go two ways now: Either we better ourselves RAPIDLY or we die and are reborn with those lessons learned. And I think that does apply to us personally as well as humankind alltogether. So I better prepare myself for letting go of this life – this can’t hurt anyway.


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      34. Actually – I currently read a book about some saint who could perform miracles. He could leave double locked rooms and then said that no one could be locked up forever, because everyone would die at one point. It then dawned upon me that he might meant that literally: That he is able to travel through walls etc, because he literally manages to die and coninue again in the next room.

        Also, all your cells have died every 7 years, so I think there is something in it. Plus a third point is that I think everyone should prepare for death, but no one wants to hear that, because they postpone it until never.

        Think about it: It’s like packing a back for the case that you have to leave suddenly. It also would put everything totally into perspective – the best part being, the ego dying, because we do hold on really strong to our own biography, which is not important at all.

        I tried my whole life to get enlightened within this life and then inspire people how great this would be, but this did not happen and it slowly dawns upon me that maybe the best solution is to leave this burnt place in which the prophet does not count and reset the game. (Not actively of course, but being ready for when my time comes.)


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      35. Well, this is the easy pragmatic way of looking at it. I think a little clarity of the process of transition beforehand can not hurt to save us from the final fear. Having said that – in one point you are right though: I think death is not merely a matter of health, but of the point when your life-mission is accomplished. That would explain why some great people die early and others live on for ages.


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      36. We try to put so much intention and sense in life that we become obsessed with interpretations. Life is life: it has no sense, no intentions. It is a path inhabited with so many individuals and intentions and actions. Life is a web of coincidences. And we live our life making a way through this web

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      37. You say that as a wood-horse (oops I nearly misspelled it as wood-whore 😱 – sorry, just forget it)

        Seriously now – This all works out well as long as you have a purpose like a job as you do have. But pull that away from people (for example due to the corona- or Beirut-crisis), I would assume that many Lebanese nowadays do have a real crisis of purpose.

        It’s all good as long as one has a mission, but when that is gone there can be a terrible void which longs for a higher or deeper sense through ethics or beliefs. The danger being that many may resort to quaint obsolete teachings of a saviour-philosophy without evolving into self-dependent responsibility (i.e. regressing to a child-comfort).

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      38. “With all due respect” (as a british gentlement would say) “I beg to differ.” I mean, I hate to see Trumps face – that alone wants me for Kamala Harris to win – she is so much easier on the eye. But apart from that if I think it through, look what will happen within the next 4 years: The USA has to pick up the pieces of the mess Trump created. Somehow there even was a part of me wishing for him to win to have to clean up after himself, but then again, you know my esthetics, so I am more happy to see him gone.

        On a very personal level I also would like him to loose in a landslide to proof the point to this egomaniac that he is pathological. But then again – like all lost souls it is clear that he himself will never admit anything, so it doesn’t matter again.


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      39. That’s the spirit! I give you 1€ each time you tell me that I am right. (and 2€ if you do it in front of a bunch of hot chicks who will then admire that a philosophy teacher did confirm my Übermensch-dasein)


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      40. I feared your answer, but you coming from the middle-east I started extra low to have some space to market-bargain with you 😎 (my final top-offer was intended to be a hot night with me, but living like a monk I forgot how to pull that of)


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      41. ahhh, I sense that this did not have the desired extatic effect it was intended to have (maybe it’s my hidden hubris seeing myself as a superstar anyone could tell their grandchildren to tell about).Ok, I will think about a modification.

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      42. Is there any reason? As in world concern?
        Trump winning will be an escalation in current policies and I’m not sure what others feel about that.
        Biden will be a frantic re-establishment of obama era foreign policy.
        Biden is unlikely to finish his first term which is why I kind of went along with being mildly okay with Kamala Harris. I don’t like her that much but she’s very qualified and able to take over if something happens with Biden.

        I would only say.. if the world cares there’s 4 years where you may see a foreign policy but where trump struck a nerve is American citizens want isolationism.
        I kind of agree with that in most respects.

        It’ll be hard to really invest much in foreign policy NOW because covid has done some major damage.

        The issue is that people are mad that our government cleared the way for middle class jobs to move overseas as foreign policy and THEN most of our taxpayer money is spent overseas or in national defense. Unemployment here now is worse than it was during the Great Depression and the government has only offered 1 months worth of aid and are cutting unemployment benefits.
        Health insurance is tied to employment so uninsured people is skyrocketing while the government (Trump administration) is wanting to cut social security (probably completely) and medicare/Medicaid.

        If you think the BLM movement riots were bad, just wait for raised taxes and public benefits to disappear during a global pandemic.


      43. I understand, Oviate, you said “American citizens want isolationism. I kind of agree with that in most respects.” But what you may not know, seeing things from the inside of the USA is that the world outside the USA does watch its action in a very different light.

        Overall the USA is seen as often meddling in other countries’ affairs – literally destabilising entire areas (like the middle east for example) – usually for their own gain (mostly oil or keeping the dollar a world currency), so isolationism is seen as an act of selfish hypocrisy whenever it suits their needs – there even being voices to dismantle the UN or other world-organisations.

        May be you read John Perkin’s “confessions of an economical hitman” – I found it an interesting insight into some power-games played.

        I hope I didn’t offend you – just wanted to give you a feedback from outside – usually the feeling amongst conservatives and progressives in Europe alike is that they prefer the liberal presidents to the conservative ones for the reasons of the former being more lenient, respectful and diplomatic to the world than nationalistic ones.

        I for my part can’t relate to nationalism anyway, regardless from which nation it comes from. (I also dislike German nationalism). Those are in my eyes conditioned values bound to time-frozen screenshots of arbitrary borders.


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      44. I feel that USA gave an image of itself that is totally different from reality. It is like a demystification now. Masks are falling off the face of the greatest nation in the world. Which is scary to the rest of the world. Now the question is: whom or what to believe?

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      45. That’s what was said this spring already that the USA has a Pluto-return which occurs only every 247 years and then shows a nation all its weaknesses. As for me: This is a year of disillusionment from people up to nations and all of those I worshipped before now loose their credibility from all my revered teachers through nations up to friends. I withdrew from most of them all.


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      46. California had wildfires break out also.. but people were fleeing before that.

        The US is probably what it’s been for a long time or always. I think there’s a global issue where state run propaganda isn’t as effective as it used to be.
        Whenever I think I have the US figured out I notice the same problems exist overseas so there’s just something in the air.

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      47. True, Oivate, the EU also is frowned upon for its useless and inhumane bureaucracy, which is why Brexit happened. And since you are into astrology: What would you attribute the global issue to? I sense that the aquarian age is starting right now.

        Maylynn and Oviate, you both are right – something is in the air – also in Germany since the beginning of this milenium my sister who is not into astrology said that towards century shifts things also would shift.

        The Fridays for Future demonstrations also showed that people (beyond left and right) had enough of ruthless neoliberalism.

        The more we throw our ideas together the more we can make sense of it all. So tell us, Oviate: What did you figure out in the US?

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      48. So did I offend you with my remark about the USA’s mingling in the world’s affairs, Oviate?

        If so, I am sorry, but without wanting to offend you or the USA, I have to add that I never have seen a more immature way this entire election-campaign including reactions of people and politicians played out. Seriously. Whenever I thought: “This was incredible ridiculous – I think my sister who hardly watches news would not believe it if I told her”, then the next day something even more absurd pops up!

        Just to mention random nonsense: Trump denying corona, nearly everything what he says being absurd, him even tweeting (which I only thought teenagers have the time for), then the George Floyd-incidence (unfathomable), then the BLM demonstrations escalating, Trump suggesting to drink bleach, Americans demonstrating against their rights being taken away because our Western ego is to swollen to accept temporary inconveniences (and I also include a bunch of European nutcases in that). I just want to mention things as they are – including self-criticism.

        In comparison the most mature way people act in a crisis was in Japan when the tsunami hit and Fukoshima was happening -they all stood patiently in lines for hours, many even sacrificed themselves to walk in the radioactive water to clean the place up)

        I am puzzled – literally -in Germany in basic school 5 decades ago I already learned about the American “mickey-mouse-election-style”. I am just speechless about the level of superficiality and it seems like two separate countries – some very intelligent people (whom I do count you in) and some really stupid ones – both which I can not bring together at all. The media does actually keep that alive because they do take all nonsense which comes their way serious. Imagine if they simply demanded a higher standard of communication. But now it is too late, because if one station were to do it all the others will devour it.

        Sometimes I even wondered if it would be better if the USA did split up into two parts, but of course that won’t ever happen since the tendency nowadays is to accumulate more and more power, rather going towards a world-government, due to the nature of technology requiring ever larger projects.


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  3. I answer to all 3 comments at once. Ladies (Maylynn) first:
    1. Herd Immunity: I also don’t know what’s going on – only know that some deniers here pushed me into acting less cautious then I would have acted on my own. I have to be careful: Deniers are as draining as the virus itself.
    2. Concerning whose fault it was: I know that it is all to tempting to want to know who was responsible, but it lies not in our power: This is something we can’t influence anyway and have to leave it up to investigations and a few who will put together some videos later. Better leaving this alone than getting worked up over someting which is beyond our control.
    3. Oviate:
    Since I am no specialist, here is one of my layman’s articles into the Kabbalah which may get you kickstarted:
    That also explains why we may have had a feeling since 7 years that something is changing – because it already started then – only untracable for the rough masses.
    4.Maylynn & Oviate:
    I don’t know not much about astrology, but what I find fascinating is that however I look at it things fall into the same places even when being looked at from western and kabbalistic astrology.
    Its as magic as maths where you can make any equation and start it from any point and it leads to the same result.

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      1. Yeah, you already know the kabbalistic post, but in a sense it is interesting because your country does seem to be exactly one cycle ahead of he world – whilst the world now is in moon-confusion, you already are in mars-turmoil.
        That’s the only good news for you, knowing that you will be through it all when the world will follow (maybe giving you time to build yourself up again whilst the world is destroying itself).
        As bad as things are: at least it is awesome that you have your 100th aniversary soon.

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  4. I also wonder if (besides of the nationalistic disasters) an even more global change could happen, such as a literal new world order (but not in the conspiracy way, more in the way that the USA might crumble a bit like the USSR did in order to make place for Russia). Or maybe even capitalism as such will crumble or change significantly.

    One gobal change I could see after all those billions pushed into the economy is a universal basic income done by some world-government for example. But that depends how conservative capitalistic forces cling onto expoitation.

    However – after covid the next problem will be AI anyway, so sooner or later they have to do it.

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    1. It is such a mess here that, at least for now, we are living day by day. No clear vision of the future, no serious solutions etc.. just getting on with our lives.
      Covid will stay for a while and I agree with you AI would be another global pandemic.

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      1. I had a subscriber who did 500 days of the meditation I propagate, who is from Hawaii and a broker. Yesterday he subtly insinuated that the government he elected would be destroying the country right now, so I took the opportunity to let him know that me, having been the biggest fan of the USA over the last decades, having seen the damage it caused to the world, lost all respect and also would not been fond of broking, cause it also causes much damage.

        I assume he will never mail me again 😀

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      2. Yes, I know it (and Rammstein btw, is an airbase which is just 3 hours drive away from where I live). The reason why I was a fan of the US was purely the media: TV mainly (moon-landing before your tender soul even saw the first ray of light on this planet), then many old black and white movies, and in time my movie taste progressed in chronological order via Western movies to Jazz-music which is why I ended up playing the saxophone and moving to NYC. It was all about clichés. But I woke up from that illusion and also from a few other things – even changed my meditation-approach today – dropped everything I had worked for over the last 26 years, but I guess that’s what it is all about – leaving the crap behind in order to evolve.

        Hopefully this is how your explosion will turn out as well.

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      3. well, ok, we know it, but all those things (from being German up to me being saxophonist, programmer or acupuncturist) are all clichés and in the end have as little meanings as my overexcited “proposals” 😝


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      4. No I don’t agree. Music is beyond all forms of art. It is abstract and spiritual. It makes people connect. Wars, prayers, victory, grief, love, celebration etc.. all are only accompanied by music and not other forms of art. You must read Nietzsche: the origin of tragedy!

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      5. The way I mean it is: Someone asked me whether they could play peaceful sounds when meditating and I did advice against it, because each music is a conditioning, and meditation is about finding yourself as it is.

        Think about what different emotional effects music has on you: You described it below my beats-post. House-music has a lot to do with the ego, rock with rough marsian energy (not bad – often honest) modern pop is more teenager-emotions, etc…


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      6. This in itself could serve as a philosophical debate. Where, when and how did music start? I mean, was it first only noise and then people did repeat it? This would make an interesting study in the evolution of our personality.

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