The Artist (I)


20190823_185631.jpg                                  (drawing by me)

In two weeks, they will all travel to meet after quite a long separation. The Artist was anxious, apprehending this trip. He hadn’t seen them for too long. The mere idea of spending several days with them all at once sends shivers down his spine. How can a short trip rebuild shattered lives? Doesn’t love require consistency and daily efforts? Warmth without connection is a fading trace of love. So, how this short trip revive it all?

“One can fake it”, he says to himself, “as long as nobody gets hurts, right?” He shook this idea out of his mind quickly: honesty is bravery. He can’t fake it to his own family. Then his anxiety grew by the hour. He didn’t know what to tell them. He was struggling with his art. He thinks they see him as a failure; they think he sees them as greedy; he thinks he is the greatest man alive.

He had a mission: to make the money making world a better place with his art. “We have sold our souls to the devil; one can’t mix money with art, it becomes a mockery”, he says to himself. But what do they understand anyway?

He pictured his family reunion full of virulent discussions and quarrels. Will they finally accept them the way he is? Will he accept them the way they are?

6 thoughts on “The Artist (I)”

  1. Great sense of passion in the drawing. The story resonates with me, in the sense that the eternal question/doubt artists have about selling their work. There are so many difficult reflections to make when ‘arting’, one of the hardest is coming to terms with who we really make art for.
    If truly for public consumption, then the law of attraction would bring in customers. If no one buys our art, we need to find a way of asking ourselves why not. With the tons of art of all qualities and some questionable pieces in major museums around the world, is technical quality even relevant? There will always be someone somewhere who likes our work. So, why are we not finding them?
    It’s all questions to me. I just want to sell my art… well, I think I do.

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